Sam Wright

Sam Wright, actor-playwright, producing and performing a new full-length musical comedy, Prejudice & Pride, written by himself and UK-based performer-director, Nicholas Collett, based Jane Austen’s novel, but re-imagined as a modern, American, gender-swapped folk musical. The project intends to create a joyous theatre experience for examining social and cultural divides in current American culture and applying to them a radical exercise in empathy. The play has been awarded the Artist Residency at Music Theater Heritage for a fully-staged run July 8-24, 2022. It will also appear at Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the world’s largest international theatre marketplace, August 5-27, 2022. Grant funds will go toward paying the actors, musicians, and technicians.

Sam Wright

Discipline :

Grant Type : Inspiration (artist)

Year : 2021-2022

County : Jackson

City : Kansas City

State : MO

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