Douglas Clark is a Kansas City based artist. Abstract Expressionism has always been a movement that has spoken to him, and the work of artists like Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Helen Frankenthaler, and Gerhard Richter continue to inspire and inform his work. Painting for him is a creative act of improvisation as each project evolves and develops its own identity as it emerges. Whether it is through thin stains of paint merging and seeking shape, splashes and drizzles of paint on the canvas eliciting their own story, impressions of light and dimension in simple rectangles and the horizon line, or scraped paint evoking patina, emerging depth, and shifting color, the canvas becomes what it will.
Douglas has no formal training in art and has grown as an artist through countless hours of trial and error in the studio developing his art practice. He has 22 large canvasses on permanent display at the Kansas City Convention Center/Bartle Hall. He has won Awards for his work at the Albrecht-Kemper Museum in St. Joseph, Missouri as well as having an image selected for the Professional Photographers of America's Loan Collection book. His work may be viewed,
and he may be reached at