Jan Fellers

Traveling to 47 countries Jan Fellers has been inspired her art, enriched her life,  and influenced her to share contrasting landscapes and earth’s beauty.  She strives to communicate through her paintings, and invite you into her world, of the Orient, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, Caribbean, Iceland and  United States.
Abstracts, still life, whimsical, street scenes, landscapes, and portraits have been her focus for over 30 years.  Her art has been featured in several states, and several galleries, stores, and restaurants. Her mediums include photography, lithograph, wood etchings, water color, acrylic, and mixed media, with her favorite being oil.
“My goal is to inspire others.  I would like to utilize my experiences, spiritual guidance, and education from my travels to help viewers feel my passion.  Expressing myself in art is important,” Jan says.


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