Teri Rogers Film Grants

ArtsKC and the Kansas City Film Office present: the Teri Rogers Film Grants. These grants were created in honor of the late Teri Rogers, a woman who dedicated her life to uplifting women creatives in Kansas City. ArtsKC offers two programs to honor Teri Rogers’ legacy: the Teri Rogers Filmmakers Grants and the Teri Rogers Screenwriting Award.



Teri Rogers Filmmakers grants are for early-career directors creating new film, video, and digital production work in the short film, narrative genre (non documentary). 

The purpose of these grants is to support ambitious projects of risk, growth, and change for the filmmaker that also make a positive impact on the community. This funding is meant to support the process of production (filming) or post-production.

Last year, ArtsKC awarded two grants out of 13 applications for $10,000 each.


This year, ArtsKC will award two $10,000 grants, which also each include a membership to Film Independent, a subscription to Movie Maker Magazine, and mentorship opportunities with professionals in the field.

One grant will be awarded to a self-identifying women and/or gender nonconforming filmmaker and one grant will be open to all genders.

timeline & deadlines

2025-2026 TIMELINE

Application opens: April 16, 2025

Virtual Info Session: more info coming soon!

Application Deadline: July 22, 2025 at 11:45 PM

  • Activity dates supported by this year’s funding: August 1, 2025 – April 14, 2026
  • Committee will meet in August and September, 2025
  • Grant decision announcements will be made in September, 2025
  • Impact Reports are due April 15, 2026

2024-2025 Impact Report Deadline: April 16, 2025 at 11:45 PM


Note: One grant will be awarded to a self-identifying women and/or gender nonconforming filmmaker and one grant will be open to all genders. 

To be eligible for funding in the Teri Rogers Filmmakers category, applicants must:

  • Be 18-years of age or older. This fund does not fund student films.
  • Project must be new film, video, and/or digital production work in the short-film narrative (non documentary) genre.
  • Applicants must assume the role of director with artistic/creative control. They must own the copyright of their production, and have artistic, budgetary and editorial control over their project.
  • Reside in the five-county Kansas City metropolitan area (Jackson, Clay, and Platte counties in Missouri; and Johnson and Wyandotte counties in Kansas).
    • Applications from adjacent counties will be considered if the project takes place within our service area, but the five-county area is the main priority.
  • Be in the early stage of film career.
  • Special consideration will be given to projects where Kansas City or the region serves as character or is highlighted as place.
  • Special consideration will be given to projects that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Only one application per applicant will be considered


Not Eligible

  • Projects considered documentaries, installations, new media, games or interactive work. 
  • In addition, commercial, industrial, music videos, informational, or student work are not eligible. 
  • Applicants may only receive one grant from ArtsKC within the same fiscal year (July 1 – June 31).
  • Applicants can apply to EITHER the Teri Rogers Filmmakers Grant or the Teri Rogers Screenwriting Award, not both.
  • Recent recipients must sit out one round before applying again.

how to apply

Teri Rogers Filmmakers Grant Applications are submitted online using the ArtsKC Grant System.  A preview of the application is available below:

2024-2025 Teri Rogers Filmmakers Grant Application

(A preview of the 2025-2026 application is coming soon!)



If you have applied before, log in to the ArtsKC Grant System and click on the “Apply” link to start a new application. Use the “Forgot Your Password?” link if you don’t remember what your password is. When you return to work on a saved application, be sure to look for your previously started form!


If you have not applied before, go to the ArtsKC Grant System, click on the “Create New Account” button, and follow the directions there. If you are a new user but your organization has applied for ArtsKC funding before, email ArtsKC Grants staff to help set up your user profile.


*Note: The online grants system is compatible with screen reading systems, but does not have an in-application screen-reader.


Draft Applications

Draft applications may be submitted for review by staff.  This step is strongly encouraged for new applicants. Draft applications do not require a full set of attachments or support materials to be reviewed and should be completed via the online grants system. Once the application has been completed for a draft review, email the ArtsKC Grants staff ( to say that the application is ready for draft review. ArtsKC staff will review applications in the order they are submitted and will provide timely feedback to the applicant. Applicants will be able to make changes directly in the application without having to start the application over. Draft applications must be submitted 30 days before the application deadline to allow time for staff to review it (submit by 6/23/2024).


Project Budget

Many projects have a total Project Cost that is higher than the grant opportunity. The grant application requires a Project Budget document that includes Expenses (what it will cost to do the project) and Revenue (the money you will use to do the project). In-kind or donated resources should be included. The Revenue or Income should also include the amount of your ArtsKC grant request.


The total Expenses and the total Revenue is ideally the same, i.e. a balanced budget.


Expenses should make sense with the proposed project and be well-researched.


Revenue should list all sources of funding for the project, including the Teri Rogers Filmmakers Grant. For example, other grants, personal funds, and in-kind resources are commonly included. Note if the funding is secured or pending.


Below is an OPTIONAL template that can be used for the application. This shows examples of possible expenses and income sources and is easy for evaluators to read.

Teri Rogers Short Film Budget Template


ArtsKC committees review grants competitively.


Committee Members are selected for their artistic knowledge and experience, awareness of community needs and issues, and other contributing factors.  Each application will be reviewed online and discussed by the committee virtually or in person. Applicants may be emailed questions regarding the application. Not all applicants will be sent questions. The committee will consider:

Artistic Excellence

Career and Community Impact

Feasibility and Budget

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Any other relevant factors


Grant committees make a set of recommendations for funding that is presented to the ArtsKC Board of Directors for official approval.


Here is a preview of the evaluation forms used by our committee members:

2024-2025 Teri Rogers Filmmakers Grant Evaluation Form

(The 2025-2026 Evaluation Form preview is coming soon!)


Two grants of $10,000 will be awarded. One grant will be awarded to a self-identifying women and/or gender nonconforming filmmaker and one grant will be open to all genders. In addition to monetary funds, the grantee will receive a membership to Film Independent, a subscription to Movie Maker Magazine, and mentorship opportunities with professionals in the field. 


Funds must specifically be used for the process of production (filming) or post-production, including:

  • Shooting
  • Rights
  • Location Fees
  • Equipment
  • Materials
  • Travel
  • Staffing (creative, technical or other)
  • Editing
  • Transfers
  • Scoring/sound mix
  • CGI/titling
  • Special Effects
  • Color Correction


Funds may not be used for:

  • Marketing
  • Creation of Trailers
  • Distribution Costs
  • Festival Fees
  • Pre-production costs, including;
  • Research
  • Professional Development


Projects that are still in early pre-production planning and that may not begin shooting for at least 24 months are encouraged not to apply until more work on the project has been completed. This program does not offer second grants to support projects previously funded within the Teri Rogers Film Fund Grant program. 


Grants are paid in two payments. The grant recipient must return a signed grant agreement and W-9 to receive the first payment of 80%. To receive the second payment of 20%, the grantee must turn in an Impact Report and an edited version of the film (or portion of the film if still in progress), which must be approved by ArtsKC. Please allow two weeks after submitting grant agreements and Impact Reports to process checks.

Grant Acceptance & Impact Report

Timely Paperwork and Documentation

To accept a grant, you must return your signed Grant Agreement Letter and W-9 within 15 business days of the notice, or you will forfeit your entire grant award.

You are required to submit an Impact Report by the deadline, or you will forfeit your final payment. We understand that it may become necessary to request a reasonable extension. Please do so by contacting ArtsKC well before the deadline to ensure timely processing of your request. If you forfeit your final payment and do not turn in an Impact Report, you will become ineligible to apply for ArtsKC grants. Ineligibility can be reversed by the submission of an acceptable Impact Report.

Here is a preview of the Impact Report form, which is filled out and submitted in the online grants system:

2024-2025 Teri Rogers Filmmakers Grant Impact Report

(The 2025-2026 Impact Report Preview is coming soon!)

Final note: You do not have to accept grants. If you have been awarded a grant and would like to turn it down or return it because of a change in plans or for any other reason, please notify ArtsKC Grant Staff immediately.


During the duration of your active status as a grant recipient, we ask that you recognize Teri Rogers Filmmakers Fund, ArtsKC and KC Film publicly in your promotional materials and programs in a manner consistent with your policy of acknowledging other donors. ArtsKC respectfully requests to use your organization’s name and any photos you are willing to provide in our promotional materials and online.


Download ArtsKC’s logos and brand guidelines here. 

Download ArtsKC’s logos and brand guidelines here. 

Communicate Changes

Please notify ArtsKC staff in writing of any major changes in leadership, programs, or operations as described in your grant application. Updates to contact information are also necessary to stay in contact and to mail checks to the appropriate address.

Grant Committee

The 2024-2025 Grant Committee Listing:

Chair: Andrea Young – Sr. Vice President, General Counsel at Grayson Capital & Monument Healthcare Development
Advisor: Rachel Kephart – KC Film Commissioner

Committee members:
Andrea Sporcic Klund – Director, Missouri Film Office
Devonte Brown – Director / Cinematographer
Gretchen McCourt – COO of MoviePass and Co-Founder of Women in Entertainment
Jon Niccum – Writer and Producer
Jor-El Washington – Producer
Khitam Jabr – Filmmaker
Lonita Cook – “Creative Producer, film critic and story consultant. EP + cohost of Get Lost! for KCPBS, KCTV5 My KC Live film critic and host Cookie’s Highflier Podcast
Steph Shannon – Director of Major Giving, Kansas City PBS


The 2025-2026 Committee Listing is coming soon!



ArtsKC will award one full feature or pilot script with the Teri Rogers Screenwriting Award of $1,000. Scripts where Kansas City or the region is highlighted as a place and/or that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion will be given special consideration.


Last year, ArtsKC awarded one screenplay out of eight applications.

timeline & deadlines


Application Opens: April 16, 2025

Virtual Info Session: More information coming soon!

Application Deadline: July 22, 2025 at 11:45 PM

  • Committee will meet in August and September, 2025
  • Grant decision announcements will be made in September, 2025


Eligible applicants must: 

  • Be an adult over the age of 18.
  • Live in the five-county Kansas City metropolitan area (Jackson, Clay, and Platte counties in Missouri; and Johnson and Wyandotte counties in Kansas).
  • Submit an original screenplay for either a full feature or full length pilot.


Not Eligible

  • Applicants may only receive one grant from ArtsKC within the same fiscal year (July 1 – June 31).
  • Applicants can apply to EITHER the Teri Rogers Filmmakers Grant or the Teri Rogers Screenwriting Award, not both.



  • Screenplays will be evaluated in a blind process – please remove your name and any identifying factors from the script.
  • Screenplays should be formatted according to current industry standards and submitted as a PDF.
  • Full feature scripts should be 95-125 pages. Pilot scripts should be 55-65 pages (half hour pilots should be 27-35 pages).
  • Each applicant can only submit one script for consideration.
  • Scripts must be the original work of the applicant(s). If based upon another person’s life or upon a book or other underlying work, applicant(s) must secure any necessary rights to make such adaptations. By entering the competition, you are acknowledging that you have secured all necessary rights.
  • If a submission involves two or more writers as applicants, the applicant must identify a primary contact. The primary contact will be responsible for disbursing funds to co writers. Only one award will be given.
  • Recent recipients must sit out one round before applying again.

how to apply

Teri Rogers Screenwriting Award Applications are submitted online using the ArtsKC Grant System.  A preview of the application is available below:

2024-2025 Teri Rogers Screenwriting Award Application

(The 2025-2026 Application Preview is coming soon!)


If you have applied before, log in to the ArtsKC Grant System and click on the “Apply” link to start a new application. Use the “Forgot Your Password?” link if you don’t remember what your password is. When you return to work on a saved application, be sure to look for your previously started form!


If you have not applied before, go to the ArtsKC Grant System, click on the “Create New Account” button, and follow the directions there. If you are a new user but your organization has applied for ArtsKC funding before, email ArtsKC Grants staff to help set up your user profile.


*Note: The online grants system is compatible with screen reading systems, but does not have an in-application screen-reader.


ArtsKC committees review grants competitively.


Committee Members are selected for their artistic knowledge and experience, awareness of community needs and issues, and other contributing factors.  Each application will be reviewed online. Committee members will read the first 10 pages of all scripts. The top three-five scripts will move on to the finalist round, where committees will read the scripts in their entirety. One script will receive the Teri Rogers Screenwriting Award based on the scores of the committee members.


The committee will consider:





Regional Relevance/Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Any other relevant factors


Grant committees make a recommendation for funding that is presented to the ArtsKC Board of Directors for official approval.


Here is a preview of the evaluation forms used by our committee members:

2024-2025 Teri Rogers Screenwriting Award Evaluation Form

(The 2025-2026 Evaluation Form Preview is coming soon!)


ArtsKC will award one script an award of $1,000. The grant recipient must return a signed grant agreement and W-9 to receive the funding. Please allow two weeks after submitting grant agreements to process checks.


During the duration of your active status as a grant recipient, we ask that you recognize Teri Rogers Filmmakers Fund, ArtsKC and KC Film publicly in your promotional materials and programs in a manner consistent with your policy of acknowledging other donors. ArtsKC respectfully requests to use your organization’s name and any photos you are willing to provide in our promotional materials and online.

Download ArtsKC’s logos and brand guidelines here. 

Download ArtsKC’s logos and brand guidelines here. 

Grant Committee

The 2024-2025 Grant Committee:

Chair: Andrea Young – Sr. Vice President, General Counsel at Grayson Capital & Monument Healthcare Development
Advisor: Rachel Kephart – KC Film Commissioner


Committee members:

Bryan Colley – Playwright
Dani Milton – Filmmaker
Grace Smith – Missouri Film Office Coordinator
Justin Begnaud – Film & TV Producer
Trai Cartwright – Screenwriter, Producer, Professor
Vy Nguyen – Writer, Director, Photographer, KC Art Department


The 2025-2026 Grant Committee Listing is coming soon!

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